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Being in nature – or even just looking at scenes of nature – is shown to increase pleasant feelings. Nature is a great mood booster.
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Spending just 20 minutes a day in nature can significantly lower your stress hormones. The results are so powerful that some health practitioners are encouraged to prescribe ‘nature time’ to their patients.
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Many people associate being in nature with spending time alone. So, it might surprise you to learn that nature helps you feel more connected to your community. Researchers think this is because being in nature fosters feelings of empathy, love, and belonging.
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Whether you walk, cycle, run, or just gaze at the clouds, nature has a way of sparking creativity and improving problem-solving.
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The links between spending time in nature and protecting against anxiety and depression are well-documented. Among the scientific community, the consensus is clear: the more time you spend outside in green spaces, the better.
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