12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
How many times have you thought about joining the Gym? How many times have you also wanted to get in shape and start working out? Let’s be honest we all have gone through that phase! It’s not always possible for everyone to get time out of their tight schedule and hit the gym. Also, we all know how expensive gym memberships are!
So, why waste so much money when you can get your dream body by a much less sweat-absorbing method- Yoga! Yes, that’s right Yoga is one of the most effective ways to get in shape without being too harsh on your body. Although it will take a little more time to start working on your body but trust me it is going to be a very wonderful and pleasant journey!
Power Yoga is a fantastic way to tone the body as it targets every major muscle group from the legs to all the way up to the abs and arms. Apart from benefitting your body it is a great exercise for the mental piece and eliminating stress. So, what are you waiting for?
// Pull up your pants and try these 12 yoga poses that will definitely help you to tone your entire body in more ways than you can imagine!
- Downward- Facing Dog | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
Now, this pose is one of the easiest ones of the lot. All you have to do is to first stand straight. Then, slowly reach your hands down to the floor. Put your hands three to four feet away from your toes and remember to not bend your knees! Lift your hips a little up and try to get your feet flat on the ground. Remain in this position for about 15 seconds.
This pose will stretch the muscles of shoulders, calves, feet, and arms and will also tone your arms and legs. Remember safety comes first so don’t try too hard to stretch your body as it will take time to get flexible. Take it easy and try to give in your best.
- Plank Pose | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
I am sure that each one of us had done this at some point in our life! This easy but tricky pose requires you to balance your body on your tiptoes and arms in a horizontal position. One thing that many people get wrong in this position is the angle of wrists.
The position of the wrist is very important as the wrong angle can lead to severe injuries to wrists in the future! While doing this pose, your shoulders and wrists should be perpendicular to each other and heels of your foot should be directed towards the sky.
This position will help to improve balance, flexibility and muscle toning of the body.
- Forearm Plank | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
Quite similar to the plank pose in benefits, the forearm plank needs you to lower one forearm at a time to the ground and pressing the elbows firmly to the ground all while stretching legs out and balancing them on your tiptoes. Hold yourself in this position for 10 seconds and slowly relax back.
- Cobra and Upward-Facing Dog | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
To achieve this position, start by lying down on your stomach then, keep your palms firmly on the ground beside you and start moving your chest off the ground. Don’t move your legs or hips! Continue moving your chest up till an obtuse angle is formed between your upper body and your legs.
For the Upward Facing Dog pose, begin by getting into the Cobra pose and lift the part from your head to the torso even higher till your face is beneath the sky. Hold this position for about 15 seconds and slowly relax back. This position will help you improve posture and strengthen the spinal cord, arms and wrists.
- Boat Pose | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
Start by sitting on the ground with the legs close to your chest. Then, start lifting off the part of the legs below the knees and get it in a position parallel to the ground.
For additional stretching, stretch your arms out and keep them parallel to the ground as well! The benefits of this position include strengthening the abdomen, spinal cord, and neck.
- Chaturanga Pose | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
This pose is all about balance! For this pose, you have to balance your entire body weight on your tiptoes and palms. Lie down on your stomach and lift off your entire body while standing the ground on your toes and palms. This will help to increase strength and will tone the abdomen.
- Locust Pose | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
This one is one of the most effective yoga positions of the lot!
To achieve the position which will strengthen your spine, arms and legs right, follow these instructions! Lay on the ground on your stomach in a horizontal line with arms stretched on either side of your body.
Take a deep breath and lift the upper torso area and lower leg area off the ground. Also, lift your arms in the air and interlace the fingers at the back. Don’t remain in this position for longer than 10 seconds!
- 1st Warrior Pose | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
This one may look complicated but is a very simple one to crack! All you need to do is to stand with your feet around four inches apart. Then, stretch one leg and bend down the other leg to bring the knee perpendicular to the foot. 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
Turn your upper body towards the bent leg and stretch your arms up in the sky. Warrior 1st pose will stretch the entire course of the body and strengthen the muscles. 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
- 2nd Warrior Pose | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
This pose will mainly help you to open the hips. Start by getting in the 1st warrior pose and then just simply stretch your arms in the opposite directions parallel to the ground.
Remain in this position for about 12 seconds and repeat it around 5 times a day for effective results. Apart from opening the hips, this Yoga Pose will also increase the strength of the shoulders, arms, and legs.
- 3rd Warrior Pose | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
If you are a beginner in Yoga then you may not able to achieve this pose in the beginning but don’t worry since there is always a first time and as they say “Practice makes a Man Perfect”.
Firstly, you have to stand on one leg and then make a straight line parallel to the ground with your upper body, arms and remaining one leg. Sounds complicated, right? All good things come after a little struggle so keep trying and you will definitely get it right!
This position improves the structure and balance of the body and also strengthens the ankles, legs, shoulders, and back.
- Tree Pose | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
One of the most popular and basic yoga poses, Tree Pose helps to strengthen inner thighs and calves and also tone the shoulders and chest. To get into the tree pose, stand on one leg and rest the inside of the foot of the other leg along the inside of your standing leg either below the knee or above the knee. Interlace your fingers and hold them in a traditional Indian “namaskar” pose. 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
- Half- Moon Pose | 12 Easy Yoga Poses to Tone Your Entire Body
This Half- Moon Pose will strengthen the back and the spinal cord and will improve the posture of your body. To get in this position, stand on one leg and get the free leg in 90 degrees angle with the standing leg.
Bend your upper body to get it straight in line with the leg in the air and stretch the arms either side of your head. Repeat this position around 6 to 7 times a day.
So, these were the 12 Yoga Poses that will ultimately help you to get that perfectly toned body. Do give Yoga a try and let us know what you think about these Yoga positions. “Yoga is something to be enjoyed with mind, body, and soul”.
If you are a beginner then you should definitely check out these 10 important yoga poses to start your yoga journey.
Surely some people must definitely be looking for yoga asanas to reduce belly fat, so what are you waiting for? Just checked Yoga asanas to reduce bellly fat to get started.
Nice Information,
Very Very Nice information that you tell in your article.
I like your Writing skill.
12 poses you tell are very good. I start these poses from today.