So you want to master Garudasana, huh? Get ready to balance, twist, and bind your way to new heights. Garudasana, also known as Eagle Pose, is an advanced yoga posture that challenges your balance, flexibility, and focus. Don’t worry if you’re new to yoga or not the most coordinated person – with regular practice and a few modifications, you’ll be striking this pose in no time.

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll break down the proper form for Garudasana step-by-step. You’ll learn how to modify the pose based on your experience level and physical abilities. We’ll also cover some common mistakes to avoid and tips for achieving the full expression of the pose. Whether you’re looking to improve your balance, increase shoulder mobility, or simply impress your friends with your yogic skills, Eagle Pose has benefits for yogis of all levels.

Ready to take flight? Let’s get started. Fold your arms, lift your elbows, and away we go! This beginner’s guide will have you soaring in no time.

How to Do Garudasana Step-by-Step

  • To master Eagle Pose, start standing with arms at your sides.
  • Raise your arms overhead and bend your elbows, bringing your hands together. Spread your fingers and press your palms together. This is the “prayer position.”
  • Take a few deep breaths here to center yourself. When you’re ready, bring your arms behind your back and interlace your fingers, palms touching. This may be enough of a stretch for beginners. If you want to go further:
  • Bend forward at the hips with your knees slightly bent and place your interlaced hands on your lower back. Let your head and neck relax. Stay here for a few breaths.
  • To get into the full pose: squat down and bring one knee at a time up and over the opposite elbow, placing the sole of one foot between your shoulder blades. Your knees should be stacked one on top of the other.
  • Balance on the balls of your feet and keep your core engaged. Your torso may tilt slightly back. Breathe steadily and avoid forcing the pose.
  • Come out of the pose slowly by removing one leg at a time from behind your back and returning to standing. Shake out your legs and rest in Child’s Pose.

With regular practice, Eagle Pose improves balance, flexibility, and concentration. Be gentle and don’t push yourself into the full expression right away. Over time, you’ll gain more mobility and confidence in the pose. Remember, yoga is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process!

Amazing Garudasana Benefits for Mind, Body, & Spirit

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When attempting Eagle Pose, it’s easy for beginners to make some common mistakes. Avoid these pitfalls and you’ll be mastering this balancing asana in no time.

1. Rushing into the full expression | Garudasana

Eagle Pose requires a good amount of hip and shoulder flexibility to do properly. Don’t jump straight into binding your arms and legs on the first try. Start by just bringing your arms up and bending your elbows, keeping your hands on your shoulders. Then work on crossing one leg over the other. Build up your flexibility and balance over time.

2. Locking your joints | Garudasana

Your knees and elbows should remain slightly bent in Eagle Pose, not locked. Locking any joint can put extra stress on that area and limits mobility. Bent knees and elbows also help make it easier to balance, as your body can make subtle adjustments. Engage your leg muscles to stabilise your stance.

3. Losing your balance | Garudasana

Find a fixed point in front of you to focus your gaze. This helps steady your balance. If you start to wobble, don’t panic – just breathe. Make small adjustments by shifting your weight or uncrossing and re-crossing your limbs. You can also do Eagle Pose with the support of a wall behind you or a chair in front of you.

4. Forgetting to breathe | Garudasana

In any yoga pose, remembering to breathe is key. As you move into Eagle Pose, take deep, full breaths. This helps you relax into the stretch and gives your body the oxygen it needs. If at any point the pose becomes uncomfortable, slowly release and come out of it. There’s no need to force yourself into a position your body isn’t ready for.

With regular practice, these common mistakes will become second nature to avoid. Be patient and kind with yourself as you learn – Eagle Pose will be within your grasp before you know it!

Modifications for Beginners

If you’re new to yoga or have limited flexibility, the full eagle pose may be difficult to achieve at first. Don’t worry, there are modifications you can make to build up your strength and range of motion over time. Start with these beginner-friendly versions and progressively work your way into the full pose.

1. One leg at a time

Rather than wrapping one leg over the other, place one foot on the ground in front of you for support. Bend your standing leg and wrap your arms around it, clasping your hands behind the knee. Release and switch legs, repeating on the other side. This helps open your hips and upper back.

2. Use a wall

Facing a wall, stand an arm’s length away with feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and place your palms on the wall at shoulder height. Keeping your lower back straight, walk your feet in and bend your elbows to bring your chest towards the wall. Stop when you feel a stretch in your shoulders and upper back. Hold, then slowly walk back out.

3. Chair pose arms

From a standing position, bend your knees and lift your arms overhead, clasping your hands together. This modifies the arm position of eagle pose but keeps the leg position easier by not balancing on one leg. Engage your core and lift through your chest.

4. Blocks under hands

If you have difficulty clasping your hands behind your back in the full pose, hold a block in each hand. Bring the blocks behind you and hold the ends, allowing the blocks to provide support under your hands. This makes the arm position more accessible and helps create space in your upper back.

With regular practice, your flexibility and balance will improve over time. Be patient and listen to your body, avoiding any positions that cause pain. Slowly work your way into twisting and balancing positions, and before you know it, you’ll be soaring like an eagle!


Contradiction of garudasana

While Eagle Pose (Garudasana) offers many benefits, there are a few contraindications to be aware of before attempting this posture.

1. Recent Injury

If you have recently injured your knees, hips, or ankles, Eagle Pose may aggravate your injuries. The twisting and binding nature of the pose puts stress on these joints. It’s best to avoid this pose until your injuries have healed and you’ve regained full range of motion and strength.

2. High or Low Blood Pressure

The compression created by the pose can raise blood pressure. If you have high or low blood pressure, check with your doctor before attempting Eagle Pose. Start slowly and come out of the pose if you feel dizzy.

3. Pregnancy

During pregnancy, Eagle Pose can be unsafe due to the risk of falling or losing your balance. The twisting motion may also be uncomfortable for pregnant women, especially during the third trimester.

If you have any of the conditions above, you may need to modify or avoid Eagle Pose. An alternative is to perform the arm position only, without the leg wrap. You can also use a wall for support and perform a standing variation rather than balancing on one leg. If at any time the pose causes discomfort or pain, slowly come out of it. It’s always better to be safe than risk injury.

When performed correctly and with the guidance of an experienced teacher, Eagle Pose can be a very therapeutic posture. However, as with any yoga pose, it’s important to be aware of the contraindications to avoid harming yourself. Listen to your body and don’t push past your current abilities. With regular practice, your flexibility and balance will improve over time.


So there you have it, a step-by-step guide to getting started with the eagle pose. Don’t be intimidated by how it looks – with regular practice, you’ll gain flexibility and balance over time. The key is to start where you’re at and be patient with yourself. Even if you can only wrap one arm under and one leg over, that’s progress. Keep at it and in no time you’ll be twisting and turning with the best of them. Eagle pose has so many benefits for both the body and mind. Stick with it and you’ll reap the rewards. Now get out there and spread your wings! You’ve got this.

FAQs for Garudasana :-

Q: What is Garudasana?

A: Garudasana, or Eagle Pose, is a yoga posture that involves wrapping one leg around the other and intertwining the arms to create a balanced and twisted pose.

Q: What are the benefits of practicing Garudasana?

A: Garudasana helps improve balance, flexibility, and concentration. It also stretches and strengthens the muscles of the legs, arms, and shoulders while stimulating the nervous system.

Q: Can beginners practice Garudasana?

A: Yes, beginners can practice Garudasana with modifications. Using props or slightly bending the standing leg can make it more accessible. Over time, as balance and flexibility improve, you can work towards the full expression of the pose.

Q: Are there any precautions to consider when practicing Garudasana?

A: Individuals with knee or ankle injuries should be cautious when attempting Garudasana. It’s essential to listen to your body and avoid forcing the pose if you experience pain. Consulting a yoga instructor or healthcare professional for guidance is advisable.

Q: How can I improve my balance in Garudasana?

A: Balancing in Garudasana can be challenging. To improve your balance, focus on a fixed point (a drishti) and engage your core muscles. Practicing regularly and working on your leg and ankle strength will also help you become more stable in this pose.

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