The yogic term for the iconic front splits, Hanumanasana or Monkey position, is a stunning stance that calls for commitment, flexibility, and patience. King Ram, a close buddy, was involved in his most well-known jump. Sita, the lover of King Ram, was abducted by the terrible demon known as Ravana. King Ram engaged in battle with Ravana’s army, who was attempting to conquer his realm. He could not save Sita because he had to protect his people from this serious threat, so he trusted Hanuman to bring her back. After saving Sita and making a titanic leap from South India to Sri Lanka, the Monkey God returned to battle for Ram to help him retake his kingdom.

He showed unwavering loyalty to his comrade, tremendous bravery, and success in an extremely challenging assignment. Hanumanasana, which involves stretching the legs out like Hanuman did in his amazing jump and completing a very difficult pose (the full front splits) is a representation of this power.

Steps for Performing Hanumanasana

  1. Start in the downward-facing dog posture (Adho Mukha Svanasana); take note of how your upper arms frame your ears, your pelvis is square to the front of the mat, and your thighs are neutral—all aspects that will be crucial to the final pose.
  2. Position your right foot so that your toes are parallel to your fingertips and step it forward between your palms. Point your toes while lowering your left knee to the mat.
  3. Square your hips toward the front of the mat by pinning your right hip back and in and rolling your left outer hip forward. To maintain this alignment, shift your hips back so they stack over your left knee, then adjust your right foot forward to straighten your leg, keeping your hips over your left knee and facing straight forward.
  4. Top here with your hands on either side of your right knee, press into the mound of your right big toe, and extend your left big toe straight back.
  5. As you continue to pin your right hip back and in, begin to slip your right foot forward.
  6. As your left leg straightens, your pelvis glides forward and downward across space.
  7. Release your buttocks’ flesh from your back waist as your legs extend, and softly tone your abdomen’s pit to obtain a lift in the front of your pelvis.
  8. To keep your legs neutral, press into the big toe mound on your right foot, and rotate your left outer hip forward while spinning your left inner thigh to the ceiling.
  9. Continue to lower your pelvis until the front of your left thigh and the rear of your right leg are parallel to the ground.
  10. Maintain focus on keeping your legs neutral and your pelvis square to the front of the mat. The rear thigh likes to externally spin, so maintain focusing on lifting your inner thigh.
  11. Lower your tailbone, soften your front ribs, and raise your arms such that your upper arms frame your ears toward the ceiling.
  12. Retrace your steps, coming back to the Downward-Facing Dog Pose after holding for 10 to 12 breaths.
  13. Continue on the opposite side.


Benefits of Hanumanasana include some of the following:

1. Benefits of Hanumanasana for Flexibility and Muscle Strength

Hanumanasana is a yoga pose that may aid in increasing muscle strength, flexibility, agility, and endurance, according to a 2015 study by Singh et al. The capacity of the muscle to quickly change position is referred to as agility. The ability of the muscles to contract against a force repeatedly is referred to as endurance. This might improve athletes’ performance. Further research is necessary to determine whether hanumanasana can aid in increasing muscle strength and flexibility.

2. Advantages of hanumanasana for the legs and hips

According to Yogacharya Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani and Yogacharini Devasena Bhavanani, frequent asana practice, such as hanumanasana, may help dancers with back, hip, neck, shoulder, and knee issues. To verify the above-mentioned benefits, more research is needed. If you have any injuries, see a doctor; do not attempt to treat yourself.

3. Hanumanasana Benefits for Heart Rate

Hanumanasana is a yoga pose that may aid in regulating heart rate.6 More research is necessary to determine whether hanumanasana can help to regulate heart rate, though. Therefore, if you have an irregular heart rate, you should see a doctor.

4. Benefits of Hanumanasana for Blood Pressure Management

Hanumanasana is part of a yoga regimen that may help decrease blood pressure.6 However, further research is still needed to determine whether hanumanasana can lower blood pressure. As a result, you should seek medical attention if your blood pressure is abnormal rather than trying to treat yourself.

5. Hanumanasana benefits for cardiac disorders

High body mass index (BMI) frequently puts the heart at risk and may impair cardiac function. Hanumanasana is part of a yoga regimen that may help lower BMI and cut the risk of heart disease. To determine whether hanumanasana can help with heart conditions, more research is needed. As a result, if you notice any heart disease symptoms, you should see a doctor.

6. Hanumanasana benefits for peptic ulcers

According to a study done in 2000 by Jogdand et al., practicing hanumanasana daily as part of a yoga routine may be helpful for those who have peptic ulcers. To determine whether hanumanasana can help those with peptic ulcers, more research is needed. Therefore, if you have peptic ulcers, you should see a doctor.

7. Hanumanasana benefits for sciatica

Sciatica is a type of back, hip, and outer thigh discomfort that originates in the sciatic nerve. Hanumanasana could aid in easing the signs and symptoms of mild sciatica. More research is necessary to determine whether hanumanasana can help with sciatica problems, though. Therefore, if your sciatica symptoms persist or get worse, you should see a doctor.

Matsyasana Benefits: Dive Into A Healthier Lifestyle


  • You should keep in mind the safety advice and measures listed below. These can assist in executing safely and without any issues or injuries.
  • If you have groin or hamstring issues, avoid doing this yoga.
  • Always begin a session with a warm-up to prepare for Hanumanasana. You can practice positions like the Bridge Pose, Downward Dog, Firelog Pose, and Standing Forward Bend, or perform easy stretching exercises.
  • Always dress comfortably to allow your body to move freely.
  • Avoid consuming large meals at least 40 minutes before practicing Hanumanasana or any other yoga pose. Make sure you pay proper attention to the pose and do not rush the movements as it can lead to injury.
  • Pregnant women should also avoid this yoga pose.
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