Gardeners who have free-roaming deer in their region sometimes wonder if they eat mums or chrysanthemums. After all the work you have put into getting them to produce the flowers, you don’t want the local creatures to munch on your gorgeous mother blooms! Try our advice to make your mother resistant to deer

Chrysanthemums are not a plant that deer deliberately seek out to eat in gardens, but they may consume the plant while searching for other plants. While some mothers are resilient enough to recover from a deer nip, others require protection in the form of deer-repelling techniques.


Table of content:

  • About Do Deer Eat Chrysanthemums
  • Do Deer Eat Mums?
  • Types of Deer That Eat mums
  • Does Deer Eat Mums Flowers?
  • Do Chrysanthemums Repel Deer?
  • Reasons Why Deer Eat Chrysanthemums
  • How Do You Keep Deer From Eating Your Mums?
  • Will Chrysanthemums Plants Grows Back After Deer Eat Them?

About Chrysanthemums

Asteraceae’s Chrysanthemum genus comprises flowering plants, also known as mums or shrysants (/krisacalamanz/kriss-AN-the-wez).They are indigenous to northeastern Europe and East Asia. The majority of species are native to East Asia, with China serving as the hub of diversity. There are countless horticultural cultivars and variants.


Do Deer Eat Mums?

It’s true that chrysanthemums, or “mums,” have occasionally been eaten by deer.

Because mums pose no threat to deer, they can be eaten, and in fact, they often do. If deer are a regular sight in your neighborhood and you have a garden with chrysanthemums, it is essential to take precautions for your plants. This may mean choosing plants with lower deer attraction, applying repellents to them, or erecting fencing that is impervious to them. Keep in mind that these techniques could not be effective for you, and you should constantly consider the specifics of your garden and the quantity of deer in your area.

Beautiful flowers that grow quickly and have a wide range of colors are chrysanthemums. They are stunning and incredibly durable. However, if you’re a gardener, you may have problems with deer nibbling on your flowers.

Types of Deer That Eat Chrysanthemums

1. White-tailed Deer

The white-tailed deer is the most common deer in North America and is known to feed on a wide variety of plants, including chrysanthemums. They are particularly fond of eating tender new growth and will often target newly planted flowers.

2. Mule Deer

Mule deer are another common species of deer in North America that enjoy eating chrysanthemums. They are known to have a wide-ranging palate and will browse on a variety of different plants.

3. Black-tailed Deer

Black-tailed deer are native to the western United States and are often found in wooded areas. They are known to feed on a variety of different plants, including chrysanthemums, and can cause significant damage to gardens and flowerbeds.

Does Deer Eat Mums Flowers?

mums, are regrettably not off limits to the wide range of plants that deer are known to consume. Although deer don’t usually browse on chrysanthemums first, they might if there aren’t many other food sources available. While deer are known to favor particular plants over others, their eating patterns might change depending on the area, the time of year, and the availability of substitutes.

You might think about surrounding your chrysanthemums with plants that are resistant to deer, or you could use deterrents like fences, repellent sprays, or other standard techniques to keep deer out of gardens. Remember that deer are adaptable, so using many tactics to provide effective protection is usually a smart idea.

Unfortunately, deer are known to eat a broad variety of plants, including chrysanthemums, or mums. These are not normally the first thing deer browse on, although they may if there aren’t many other food sources nearby. Although deer are known to prefer some plants over others, their dietary habits might vary based on the region, the season, and the availability of alternatives.

Consider planting deer-resistant plants around your chrysanthemums, or employ conventional methods such as fences and repellent sprays to discourage deer from entering gardens. Keep in mind that deer are versatile, so it’s usually a good idea to use a variety of strategies to offer efficient protection.

Do Chrysanthemums Repel Deer?

Deer do not especially target chrysanthemums as a favorite treat, nor do they actively avoid them, making them neither deer resistant nor repulsive.

Consider looking for plants with strong scents to deter deer. Deer are generally uncomfortable about strong smells, probably because strong scents obscure their perceptions and make it difficult for them to detect dangers. The allium family, which includes garlic, onions, and chives, as well as other strongly scented herbs like mint, rosemary, lavender, thyme, and sage, are excellent repellent plants.


A deer foraging in your garden will probably do collateral damage to your mums. As they devour the nearby plants, they can nibble on a few chrysanthemums.But the deer won’t go out of their way to find every chrysanthemum in your garden and trample them all in one night.

Do deer eat flowers from mothers? Indeed, they will, but the deer won’t specifically look for them to eat.

Reasons Why Deer Eat Chrysanthemums

  • Deer are herbivores who need a varied diet to survive
  • It contain nutrients that deer need for their diet
  • Scented and brightly colored flowers can attract deer who are searching for food
  • Young or newly planted flowers may be more vulnerable to deer because they lack natural defenses

How Do You Keep Deer From Eating Your Mums?

We have some tips you can use in your gardening and mum-growing to keep the deer away from using them for food.

  • Place chrysanthemums in pots close to the dwelling. One way to discourage deer is to plant your mums in pots or containers and place them near the home where there is more activity. This tactic isn’t always effective, though, as some deer may get along well with people and won’t think twice about approaching your house.
  • Plant mums with to resistant deer around your mums. Your chrysanthemums will stay safe from deer nibbling away thanks to a few other garden plants that are immune to them and actively repel them. These plants include, among others, bee balm, foxgloves, poppies, daffodils, begonias, and hot peppers.
  • Guarding using Fence. Although many gardeners don’t want to fully keep deer out of their gardens and don’t want their spaces to resemble maximum security prisons, fencing is a possibility!
  • Motion-activated sprinkler systems. Deer may soon learn that sprinkler systems are not really dangerous, therefore you may lose the benefit these systems provide. However, sprinkler systems that activate when motion is detected can be an effective deterrent for deer in gardens.
  • Guard with a dog. If a dog actively chases a deer out of the garden, it works as an efficient deer repellant. Dogs are inherently viewed as predators by deer, who will avoid your garden completely.

Will Chrysanthemums Plants Grows Back After Deer Eat Them?

This plants can, in fact, grow again after being half consumed by deer. Hardy perennials, chrysanthemums exhibit a vigorous growth habit in numerous variants. As long as the roots of the plants remain intact, plants that have been nibbled by deer or other animals can usually bounce back.

Take into consideration the following actions to help your chrysanthemum plants recover from deer damage:

  • Trim Affected Areas: Removing any damaged or consumed plant parts is necessary. This may aid in promoting fresh growth.
  • Give Sufficient Care: Make sure the plants are given the right attention, which includes enough water and nutrients. This will aid in their recuperation and promote fresh development.
  • Preventive actions: Put deterrents in place to prevent deer from visiting your garden again. This could entail surrounding the chrysanthemums with plants that are resistant to deer, erecting fencing, or applying deer repellent sprays.
  • Observe and Be Patient: Be patient and keep an eye on the plants. Because of their resilience, chrysanthemums can recover from deer damage with the right care.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):-

1. What are chrysanthemums?

A. It is commonly known as mums, are flowering plants that belong to the Asteraceae family. They come in various colors and shapes and are popular as ornamental plants.

2. How do I care for potted chrysanthemums indoors?

A. Place potted chrysanthemums in a location with bright, indirect sunlight, and water them when the top inch of soil feels dry. Ensure good drainage and remove spent blooms to encourage continuous flowering.

3. Can I plant chrysanthemums in my garden?

A. Yes, It can be planted in gardens. Choose a well-drained soil, provide ample sunlight, and space the plants according to their specific variety requirements.

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4. Do chrysanthemums require special pruning?

A. Yes, regular pinching or pruning of chrysanthemums is often recommended to encourage bushier growth and more blooms. Pinch back the tips when the plants are young to promote branching.

5. How do I overwinter chrysanthemums?

A. To overwinter chrysanthemums, cut back the stems to a few inches above the ground after the first hard frost. Mulch around the base to protect the roots from freezing temperatures.

6. Can chrysanthemums be grown from seeds?

A. It can be grown from seeds, many people prefer propagating them through cuttings or purchasing established plants for quicker and more reliable results.

7. Are chrysanthemums safe for pets?

A. It contain compounds that can be toxic to pets if ingested. It’s advisable to keep chrysanthemum plants out of reach of pets and consult a veterinarian if consumption is suspected.

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