The word “Utkatasana” originates from Sanskrit. In this context, “Utkata” refers to an intense state, but “Asana” denotes a position. The “Chair Pose” is so named because it imitates sitting in a chair without really...
Its name is a combination of the Sanskrit words sabha, which means “locust” or “grasshopper,” and asana, which means “posture” or “seat.” Depending on the version chosen, it is done by lying on one’s tummy and...
In the standing position known as Garudasana, the yogi twists one leg with the other and one arm with the other. The words garuda (“eagle”) and asana (“pose”) are derived from Sanskrit. Garudasana Benefits Start in a mountain position, bend...
Explore various Matsyasana benefits, like advanced oxygеn supplementation, peace relief, superior flеxibility, and higher digestion, and see how it can work wonders for your bodily and mеntal fitness. Remember, the journey of one thousand miles begins with a single...
So you’re ready to take your yoga practice to the next level and master the Adho Mukha Svanasana pose. Good for you. This downward-facing dog pose provides a lot of benefits, from energising your body to improving your flexibility and strength. But to reap all...
The yogic term for the iconic front splits, Hanumanasana or Monkey position, is a stunning stance that calls for commitment, flexibility, and patience. King Ram, a close buddy, was involved in his most well-known jump. Sita, the lover of King Ram, was abducted by the...