The mother of the Hindu deity Hanuman, Anjani, is honored by having her yoga pose, Anjaneyasana, named after her. From the downward-facing dog pose, adho mukha svanasana, take a step forward with one foot in between the hands. The knee is just above the ankle, bent at a 90-degree angle, and directed forward. The top of the foot faces the floor as the back knee descends to the floor. The hands can either rest on the ground just in front of the front knee or they can extend upward, palms facing each other, toward the ceiling.

When the hands are raised or when they are on the floor, Anjaneyasana is referred as in English as a low lunge pose. Anjaneyasana helps with sciatica and enhances balance, stability, and attention. Additionally, it extends the quadriceps and expands the hips. It strengthens the anahata (heart chakra) and opens the heart. Balance, tranquillity, and calmness are all enhanced by heart chakra stimulation.

The mula bandha (“root lock”) and uddiyana bandha (“abdominal lock”) should be engaged to maintain stability in this pose. This position can be done in front of a wall with the front foot pressed against it if the stability is still problematic. The spine can be bent backward to create a larger space for the chest. You can put a pillow below the back knee if it hurts. The hands can be put on the hips or in the Anjali mudra in front of the chest if it is difficult to reach the arms upwards.

Anjaneyasana steps

  1. Exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands in Steps From Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), making sure the right knee is over the heel.
  2. When you feel a comfortable stretch in your left front thigh and groin, lower your left knee to the floor while maintaining your right knee fixed in place. Take a deep breath in and straighten your torso. Sweep your arms out to the sides and up, parallel to the floor, as you move.
  3. Lift your pubic bone toward your navel while drawing your tailbone down toward the floor.
  4. As your shoulder blades firmly rest against the rear of your torso, raise your chest from there.
  5. While being mindful not to strain the back of your neck, tilt your head back and look upward. Your pinkies should be pointed upward.
  6. After holding for a minute, turn your back toes under, bring your hands to the floor, and bring your torso back to the right thigh.
  7. Lift your left knee off the floor and return to Adho Mukha Svanasana with a subsequent exhalation.

Advantages of Anjaneyasana

The top advantages of incorporating low lunges into your daily life are the following:

1. Increases consciousness and concentration | Anjaneyasana

One of Anjaneyasana’s greatest benefits is that it influences your brain to sharpen focus and awareness while also being beneficial to your health. The position strengthens the mind-body connection, increases mental acuity, helps the practitioner be present in the moment, and promotes focus.

2. Heals conditions of the spine, including sciatica |Anjaneyasana

Low lunges can prevent sciatica and other spinal disorders that have grown common with a sedentary lifestyle. You are relieved from the agonizing sciatica pain thanks to the therapeutic benefits of this yoga pose. Additionally, bending strengthens and mobiles your spine, preventing disorders.

3. Increases Lower Body Flexibility and Strength | Anjaneyasana

You work your thighs, hips, groin, quadriceps, and hamstrings when you do low lunges. You get improved motion and flexibility as a result, and your stress level, circulation, and risk of injury all go up.


4. Chakra balance | Anjaneyasana

Low lunge positions open the hips and the chest, stimulating and balancing the chakra. The heart chakra, which is the seat of both self- and universal love, opens up as you do Low Lunge, enabling you to feel compassion and concern for others. In addition, it has been observed that people tend to hold their bad emotions in their hips, which they release when their hips open.

Additionally, it extends your pelvis and groin, promoting creativity and activating your sacral chakra. An belly stretch opens the Manipura chakra, which balances emotions. Last but not least, the slight neck stretch opens up your throat chakra, which improves communication.

5. Reduces tension and stress | Anjaneyasana

Low lunges can be quite beneficial when dealing with mental health issues like stress and worry. Due to pent-up emotions, we have tightness in the hips, and when those feelings release, stress and worry follow. You consequently have a more solid, secure, and upright feeling.

The pose also aids in relaxation, heart-space exploration, and breathing concentration. You may teach yourself patience and persistence by maintaining this position for a few breaths.

6. Enhances the Abdominal System | Anjaneyasana

Your abdomen region will function better because to the weight loss effects, improved digestion, and abdominal muscular toning that come with the lung posture. Yoga also improves the reproductive system, eases monthly discomfort, and increases fertility.

7. Energizes the Body Again | Anjaneyasana

This is one of Anjaneyasana’s unnoticed benefits, but the pose also gives your body a boost of energy. Your lower body will be stretched out in this position, which will improve blood flow throughout your entire body. You will be even better equipped to adopt more difficult positions as a result.

The front body stretch, on the other hand, arouses both your physical and mental state. As this exercise gives you energy without overstimulating your neural system, you can execute it at any time of day.

8. Enhances Metabolic Processes | Anjaneyasana

Your neck muscles and the area around your thyroid get a nice stretch from this pose. As a result, it activates the gland’s proper operation and improves the body’s metabolic process.

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Risks of Anjaneyasana

Anjaneyasana risks include:

  • Refrain from performing this pose if you have a headache, neck pain, or lower back pain.
  • This pose should be avoided by those who have a hernia.
  • This pose should be avoided by anyone who has recently undergone surgery or an injury.
  • Sufferers of sciatica or slipped discs.
  • This pose should be avoided by expectant mothers.

Modifications of Anjaneyasana

If you have trouble balancing the pose, you can make the simple adjustments listed below:

  • Support with props: You can put yoga blocks on either side of you or a yoga chair in front of you if it is challenging to balance the posture. It serves as an excellent handhold and support.
  • Put a blanket beneath the knee: It can hurt since your knees are bent and touching the ground in the pose. In this situation, you can shield the knees with a yoga blanket. As an alternative, you can fold your yoga mat to make it thicker and prevent soreness.
  • Keep Your Hands on the Ground: People with diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease may experience vertigo while lifting their arms aloft. It is therefore preferable to keep your hands on the ground.
  • Use a yoga strap: You can use a yoga strap and fix it to the end of your head to deepen the backbend. Pulling the belt requires extending your arms while holding it in your hands. It will therefore elevate your torso and lengthen your neck.
  • Put a Wedge Under Your Front Foot: Those who have suffered an ankle or Achilles tendon damage should do this. They can employ a wedge beneath the front foot because it is challenging to balance the posture. As a result, the ankle’s dorsiflexion is less intense and the Achilles tendon isn’t stretched as much.
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