Keto-Diet Plan

Nowadays you search on google for a diet plan and you get hundreds of them. But how do you know which one will do exactly what you need? Here I have a diet plan that will surely help you lose that extra fat and will also provide various health benefits, a Keto-diet plan or Ketosis diet plan for beginners.

You might have heard about this diet plan before because it has gotten to be a popular one. But not everybody knows the right way to do a Keto-diet plan and hence, they end up doing it in the wrong way. If not done properly a keto diet plan can have various side effects and also the weight can bounce back. But you need not worry because I have got you covered with A-Z about a keto diet plan, continue reading to know more.


What is a Keto-diet plan?

Keto or Ketogenic diet plan is a low carb, high fat, and moderate protein diet plan. During this diet, the body burns fat through a process of ketosis. Normally when you consume a high carbohydrate diet, your body produces glucose and insulin and uses them as the primary source of energy. Whereas the fats are kept stored and not burned.

During the state of ketosis, the body uses fats instead of carbohydrates to get its energy because of less intake of carbs. Through this process, the body burns more fat efficiently. When you consume high fat and low carb diet, your body lacks glucose and starts using ketones to get the energy it requires.

Ketones are formed from the breakdown of fats in the liver. Ketosis is basically a state of production of ketones in the body instead of glucose. This metabolic state helps in better burning of fat and also provides numerous health benefits. People usually mistake the keto diet plan with starving. A ketogenic diet plan is not about starving from food, rather it is about decreasing the intake of carbs in your diet up to a good extent so that the body turns to the stored fats for its functioning.

Keto-Diet Plan

Things to keep in mind before starting a Keto-diet plan :

Keto diet plan is not a diet that is generated recently, it is a diet that has been around for ninety years now. It was initially formed to treat patients with epilepsy and seeing the benefits and with proper health research, people started following it for various health reasons. It soon became a popular weight and fat-loss diet plan.

There are a few things that should be kept in mind before following a keto-diet plan:

  • Know your body and consult a doctor before starting a keto diet plan.
  • You may suffer from keto-flu at the beginning of the diet as your body turns to fat from carbohydrates for its energy. You may have headaches and feel dizzy but that means you are heading in the right direction.
  • Many people have noticed a bad breath when they start a keto diet plan. This is because of the production of ketones in the body that make the breath smell bad. But that is temporary.
  • Keto is not just any diet, you have to be consistent and give it time to show results. It is much more than just a pattern of eating, it is a way of living. You may find your results to be slower than what people normally obtain but that is because everybody has a different metabolism. Everybody has its own pace.

You will mostly notice people with a lot of weight, lose weight much faster during a keto diet. That is because of that extra weight shreds fast. Just stay patient and let keto do the magic.

  • Plan properly and then start a keto diet. Buy all the required groceries in advance and stack your fridge with only what you have to eat because even a single deviation in diet can change the results a lot.
  • Customize the diet according to you. A keto diet normally includes an intake of 75% fats, 20% proteins and 5% carbs, which means around 20g of carbs per day. You can adjust the intake of carbs in between 20g to 50g, according to your body’s needs. Keto-diet plan

Advantages | Keto-diet plan

There are a number of health benefits that a ketogenic diet plan offers.

  • Weight and fat loss
  • Controlled blood sugar
  • Maintaining a healthy blood pressure
  • Maintaining good cholesterol
  • Reduces the risk of cancer
  • Reverses the symptoms of the metabolic syndrome
  • Provides for better brain functioning
  • Increases life span

It is difficult at first for the body to jump to fats from carbs for energy, but once it successfully does there are various health benefits. A keto diet plan has proved to be very helpful in burning fat especially around the belly, controls the blood sugar and insulin levels and protects against various health issues like diabetes and heart diseases. It keeps the metabolism in check and most importantly increases the chances of a long healthy life. Keto-diet plan

Keto-Diet Plan

Side effects | Keto-diet plan

  • The most immediate side effect of a ketogenic diet plan is the keto flu.

What is keto flu?

It takes around 3-4 weeks to get adapted to a keto diet, but the side effects vary off sooner. One such side effect is keto flu.

Symptoms of keto flu include:

  • Kidney damage
  • Slow Thinking
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Increased heart rate when lying down
  • Excessive craving
  • Insomnia

Drink a lot of water and fluid to vary off these symptoms faster.

A responsible keto diet plan will not result in kidney damage but one with proper monitoring and research may. When you consume a lot of animal meat and specifically processed animal meat, you increase the chances of getting kidney stones. Also, animal proteins are very acidic and lead to an increase in uric acid levels. Keep it in mind to drink a lot of water during a keto diet plan and monitor the diet’s ingredients well. Keto-diet plan

  • Constipation

One of the most common side effects os a keto diet plan is a constipation. This is because of the intake of less fiber in your diet. Fibers like beans, whole grains and fruits are restricted from a keto diet. You need not worry there are various ingredients of a keto diet like avocadoes, almonds, chia seeds and pecans which contain a sufficient amount of fiber and if taken in the right amount can help in getting rid of constipation. Keto-diet plan

  • Leg cramps

Leg cramps are a possible side effect of this diet. They happen due to a state called hyponatremia, which means low levels of sodium in the blood. This symptom can be cured by having enough salt and staying hydrated. Keto-diet plan

Who should not do a Keto-diet plan?

You should not follow a keto diet if you are already facing kidney problems because doing this diet may alleviate them.

Breastfeeding mothers should avoid doing a keto diet because a low carb diet leads to low production of breast milk. Also, pregnant women should not be doing the same because it may lead to problems in the development of the baby. It also increases the risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida. Keto-diet plan

If you are already suffering from gall bladder issues it is advisable to not do a keto diet because gall produces bile to help in the breakdown of fats, and without the proper function of gall, it will be difficult to breakdown such high amounts of fats. This may lead to various health complications. Keto-diet plan

People suffering from insomnia, anxiety or depression should also consult an expert before starting a ketogenic diet. This diet can prove to really uneasy for people with such symptoms and disorders. Keto-diet plan

Foods to eat during a Keto-diet plan or Ketosis diet plan for beginners:

  • Beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and pork. (bacon too)
  • Tofu
  • Salmon, trout, shrimp, and scallops.
  • Eggs cooked in fat
  • Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries in limited quantity.
  • Leafy greens: spinach, kale, and broccoli. (non-starchy veggies)
  • Macadamias, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, pecans, flaxseeds, peanuts, and hemp hearts.
  • Coconut
  • Almond and peanut butter without added sugars.
  • Full fat dairy
  • Avocados
  • Coconut oil, hemp oil, almond oil, avocado oil, flaxseed oil, sesame oil.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dark chocolates

Kareena Kapoor Diet Plan & Weight Loss Journey

Foods to avoid during a Keto-diet plan :

  • Whole grains like cereal, pasta, bread (homemade low carb bread)
  • potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn. (starchy veggies are a no)
  • Legumes: lentils, quinoa, peas, chickpeas, and beans
  • Fruits (because of natural sugars)
  • Processed Sugars
  • Cakes, candies, cookies and ice creams.
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Sauces, honey, and agave.

In a keto diet, you can drink a lot of water. Calorie-free beverages are allowed but avoid the ones with artificial sweeteners. Even unsweetened almond milk, tea, and coffee can be drunk during a keto diet. Talking about the consumption of alcohol, only drink dry wine and vodka.

So, now that you have all the information you need regarding a ketogenic diet plan, draft a plan wisely and do not forget to consult a doctor.

Also, check out these top winter foods, low carb diet plans and Healthy Breakfast Ideas that will result in weight loss and ultimately transform your body.

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