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Boosts mood

Gardening is a form of exercise that can be good for you as it helps to release endorphins, the hormone that helps to make people feel satisfied and relaxed.

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Improve the quality of life

Simple things make your life much more beautiful than you think and gardening is one of them. A garden is the best place to notice the little things that are so important.

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May lower the stress level

Gardening is a stress buster that can help to lower your stress. It can help you recuperate and bounce back after a stressful event. Study results suggest the level of cortisol  may reduce through gardening.

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Help to encouraging mindfulness

Gardening is one of the best forms of meditation that will keep you happy. One benefit of gardening is to dedicate your full attention to the task at hand. It makes you spend hours out in your garden

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Help to burn calories

Gardening is a form of exercise and this is especially true if you have a large garden. Simple gardening for an hour daily can help to burn up to 330 calories.

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May Help With Brain Protection

While physical exercise in itself contributes to better brain health. Several studies go a little further. Regular gardening has been shown to improve nerve growth factors in the brain.

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Help with addiction therapy

Plants can provoke positive emotions and feelings in people and that makes plants beneficial. Horticulture therapy is a popular therapy.

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Helps to lower the blood pressure

The more time you spend with your plants, you will feel more relaxed and it might help reduce the arteria stress. Gardening also acts as a low-intensity workout.

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Helps to control blood sugar level

Studies show that exercise and diet can dramatically reduce the development of type 2 diabetes in those at risk for the disease.

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